I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Universidade Federal do Ceará, in Brazil. In 2024, I am in Inria at Université Paris-Saclay, France, with the Aviz group for a sabbatical.
I usually teach a Data Visualization course for undergraduate and graduate students and a Numerical Methods course for undergraduate students only.
My research interests include data visualization and data science.
I was the Chief Scientist of Public Safety of the State Government of Ceará from 2020 to 2022. The Chief Scientist is a great program run by Funcap to unite the scientists in the universities with strategic organs in the State government.
I’ve got a PhD in Computing at the University of Utah, in 2010. Previously, I’ve got a B.S and an M.S degree in Computer Science from Universidade Federal do Ceará, in Brazil.
I was one of the main developers of VisTrails and crowdLabs.
I have also worked at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah with Professors Cláudio Silva and Juliana Freire (both now working at NYU) and I was also an intern at Los Alamos National Lab. I am also a former fulbrighter.
Office address:
Dr. Emanuele Santos
Universidade Federal do Ceará - Centro de Ciências - Departamento de Computação
Av. Humberto Monte, s/n, Bloco 952, Campus do Pici - Pici. CEP: 60440-593
Fortaleza - CE - Brasil
Phone: +55-85-33669233 Ext. 210
Fax: +55-85-33669837