Managing Rapidly-Evolving Scientific Workflows

J. Freire, C. Silva, S. Callahan, E. Santos, C. Scheidegger, and H. Vo. Managing rapidly-evolving scientific workflows. In International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW), LNCS 4145, pages 10–18. Springer Verlag, 2006.



We give an overview of VisTrails, a system that provides an infrastructure for systematically capturing detailed provenance and streamlining the data exploration process. A key feature that sets VisTrails apart from previous visualization and scientific workflow systems is a novel action-based mechanism that uniformly captures provenance for data products and workflows used to generate these products. This mechanism not only ensures reproducibility of results, but it also simplifies data exploration by allowing scientists to easily navigate through the space of workflows and parameter settings for an exploration task.

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